Talk to us!
Got something confusing or challenging in the sack that you want to talk about? Let us know!
Got a delicate question that you’d like to explore, but want to remain anonymous? Go for it! Put some crazy name and email address down there (if you want to remain uber-extra anonymous) and we just might make your question the topic of our next article!
Have you discovered something sexual that is COMPLETELY AMAZEBALLS and you just want to share it with the world because you’re a lover of peace and happiness and want others to experience the awesomeness too? Hey! You’re in great company! So do we! We might even publish your ideas (with your permission, and anonymously if you prefer). We might even give your ideas a try in our own bedroom and give you feedback. Hey, we’re all kind-of like scientists here right?
Mmmmm…. kinky scientists….
We love to hear from you and we promise to keep your information confidential. Can’t wait to hear from you! <3